Plugin Tag: media
Organize User Uploads
(0 total ratings)**Sorry to those of you who downloaded this plugin before I had added the files to the repo. But now they are avaliable and ready to help you organiz …
Vodpod Embedder
(0 total ratings)Vodpod Embedder is a plugin that allows you to easily embed videos from Vodpod from the Add Media and Add Video tabs.
Pco Media Handler
(0 total ratings)Improve the markup of featured images, inline images and embeds, and make them all responsive to all screen sizes.
Ephemera Widget
(1 total ratings)Makes Twenty Fourteen's Ephemera Widget available in any other theme.
Simple Flowplayer
(0 total ratings)Dieses Plugin ermöglicht das einfache präsentieren von Medien aus der Mediathek, sowie externen Quellen, mit hilfe des Flowplayers.
Htaccess Secure Files
(1 total ratings)Allows securing files in WP's media library to be only accessible to users with specific roles, capabilities, or IP addresses.
Posts from Images
(0 total ratings)Makes a post for every image in your library and optionally sets it as the the post thumbnail, adds the image and/or gallery to the post body.
Narnoo Commerce Manager
(0 total ratings)The Narnoo distributor plugin gives a tourism organisation and tourism wholesalers the ability to create an eCommerce reservations website using their …
(0 total ratings)Multimedia Embedder that relies on template, unlike oEmbed, therefore allowing users full control over html code.
Post Admin Social Stats
(1 total ratings)Add social stats to the Dashboard and "Edit" pages of the WordPress admin.
Automatic Galleries
(0 total ratings)Create automatic galleries in posts based on media categories or tags. Saves time by automatically creating WordPress galleries using custom categori …
DT Directory Lite Addon
(0 total ratings)The DesignThemes Directory lite addon is a plugin that lets you easily manage and listings on your website.
Podcast Channels
(0 total ratings)Podcast Channels lets you setup 'Category-Casting' — a different podcast per category.
oEmbed as media
(0 total ratings)Creates an media in your library with an youtube, vimeo, hulu, and another oembed media. The plugin will fetch the data and create the media.
Show Media Widget
(0 total ratings)Display media images or pdf documents in a widget filtered by categories
Multisite MediaSync
(1 total ratings)Multisite MediaSync syncs the Media Posts in WP Posts tables for all blogs within a multisite installation. And it makes sure that all uploads are onl …