Plugin Tag: affiliates
Affiliates Manager WP Express Checkout Integration
(0 total ratings)Process an affiliate commission via Affiliates Manager after a WP Express Checkout payment
Emag Profitshare
(0 total ratings)Un plugin simplu și eficient:trece toate link-urile spre emag prin profitshare. Poți urmări noutăți pe blogul meu http://www.iamntz.
Infusionsoft Affiliates
(1 total ratings)This plugin allows you to load an Infusionsoft Affiliate's information into your wordpress pages using the [affiliate] shortcode.
Affiliate Promotions
(3 total ratings)Affiliate Promotions – Plugin tự động lấy tin khuyến mãi, mã giảm giá và sản phẩm giá tốt.
Affiliate Press
(0 total ratings)Affiliate Press allows you to set up an affiliate website based on product feeds as easy as 1-2-3.
- Partnerprogramma by Biz2Web
(1 total ratings) Partnerprogramma by Biz2Web enables site owners to insert Partnerprogramma links into any page or post.
Affiliate Window Banners
(0 total ratings)Affiliate Window Banners uses the V3 api to pull in products from the Affiliate Window marketplace. The products are then displayed in the sidebar wid …
WordPress Price Comparison
(1 total ratings)Add price comparison for any products from any website to your WooCommerce products. Prices will be checked live from website URLs you specify and di …
Premise iDevAffiliate Integration
(1 total ratings)Integrates Premise with iDevAffiliate to help you quickly start your affiliate program.
Walee Tracking
(0 total ratings)Walee Tracking Plugin enables businesses to keep track of influencers' performance of their campaign hosted on Walee
AFFI – Affiliate Marketing for WooCommerce
(0 total ratings)Support affiliate management with flexible commissions, real-time performance record, auto payouts, email notifications for events, etc…
MYAP for WooCommerce
(0 total ratings)Quickly integrate your MYAP v10 affiliate program with your WordPress/WooCommerce store.
Guest Author Affiliate
(0 total ratings)Allows your site's content authors to become your affiliates.
Get Affiliate Link
(0 total ratings)Get Affiliate Link for WordPress. You provide your affiliate codes, we do the rest.